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iLs is more than a listening therapy. We integrate music, movement and language exercises for the purpose of improving brain function. Join our community of therapists, educators, and iLs users where we:

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Expanding upon the psychoacoustic techniques originally developed in Europe and refined over the past 20 years in the U.S. by iLs’ management, iLs programs combine auditory stimulation with balance, movement and visual motor activities. Each product has a specific listening schedule, which includes movement activities performed simultaneous with the listening. These movement activities comprise 15-20 minutes of each listening session, and are explained in a Playbook which accompanies each product.

iLs clinic programs are typically 20-40 sessions in length, with a frequency of 3 or more sessions per week. Each session is 60-80 minutes long, with 15-20 minutes allotted for the integration activities. The balance of each session is spent doing creative and/or relaxing activities such as drawing, puzzles, fine-motor games, or just relaxing in a comfortable chair.